Archive for July 18th, 2009


(occasionally we get mail)

Dears Sirs
In response to your article “Cable Chat” (7/17/09) which was about the Ted Williams documentary, there were some glaring omissions and I’d like to throw my two cents into the hat ring. You reported that Mr. Williams liked to strangle hobo’s when I think you actually meant bums. Websters defines Hobo as (noun)- referring to a homeless person or tramp, bum, good for nothing, idler, layabout, sluggard and Bum as (noun)-a person who avoids work, loafer, ne’er do well, slugabed, idler, hobo. As the old saying goes “Hobo’s are king in bumtown”. Also there was no mention of Mr. Williams tinfoil suit with the 6,000 names of God printed on it. Or his courageous fight for making Esperanto the official language of Bolivia and who can forget his campaign for fish adoption, Fishermen For Fish (or as the public knew it F3). Mr Ted Williams was a multi faceted man and you people missed a lot of facets.
Good day to you.
Col. Morey Amsterdam (retired)

To Whom It May Concern,
Your so called report on “ The secrets of the Apollo Missions” (7/14/09) was merely a half baked rehash of previously known facts. We all knew about Buzz “peanut leg” Aldrin and the robotic Alan Bean. My question (and I have a lot of ‘em) is where’s the story on Jack Schmitt (Apollo 17) who appeared human but was actually made up entirely of children’s letters to Santa Claus. Or what about Alphonse the giant crow who raced Apollo 16 to the moon, AND WON! Your lack of dedication saddens me.
Mayor Abe Beame (deceased)

As an old man with few joys in life I am disappointed that you don’t run more articles on toast. Toast has such a rich history and it’s truly delicious. White toast with butter, white toast with butter and jam, white toast with just jam or maybe preserves or even jelly, white toast with honey which is known in some parts as “Lincoln”s nose”. Then there’s Rye toast, which can be enjoyed any number of ways, and for the more exotic tastes there’s Pumpernickel or Whole Wheat which actually uses the whole of the wheat. I’m tired now and all this toast talk has given me a powerful hunger, so I’m both tired and hungry which is a little odd, I mean I could see one or the other but both mmmm. Anyhoo, more toast please.
Name Withheld by Request

Energy Saving Tip (from Con-Ed)

Turn your Air Conditioning off when you leave your house or apartment and have your pet turn it on shortly before you come home. Con-Ed is now offering training seminars in your area. This two day intensive course trains your pet* to respond to electric “cues” sent from your cell phone and received by a collar worn by your pet. These “cuesurge your pet to turn on the air conditioning, making your home comfortable upon your arrival and saving you money as well. Con-Ed we’re here for you.

*pets acceptable for training include, dogs,cats,marmots,spiders,elk,monkeys, and mealworms